A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)
Project Management Institute
Project Management Institute
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide is the go-to resource for project management practitioners. Reflecting this evolution, The Standard for Project Management enumerates 12 principles of project management and the PMBOK Guide Seventh Edition is structured around eight project performance domains. Both the standard and the guide reflect the wide range of development approaches that lead to value delivery.
This edition is designed to address practitioners' current and future needs and to help them be more proactive, innovative and nimble in enabling desired project outcomes. It
- reflects the full range of development approaches (predictive, adaptive, hybrid, etc.)
- provides an entire section devoted to tailoring the development approach and processes
- includes an expanded list of models, methods, and artifacts
- focuses on not just delivering project outputs but also enabling outcomes
- integrates with PMI standards
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E-Book mit 118 Seiten, 2 Methoden und 3 Arbeitshilfen
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